Amxnx Story

Unique original design
Une marque mondiale
Avec un siège social mondial et un vaste réseau de centres logistiques et de centres de service client, nous sommes là pour créer ce sentiment d'appartenance pour chacun, partout.
Afin de faciliter le transport et de livrer les produits aux clients plus rapidement, nous disposons de notre propre centre de stockage aux États-Unis
Centres de vente et de service
Nos équipes de vente et de service aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Royaume-Uni ainsi que notre équipe virtuelle nous permettent de répondre aux besoins de notre clientèle mondiale.

Customized services to achieve your unique dreams
In every corner of the world, you have unique needs and dreams. We understand this, so we are dedicated to providing you with personalized services, no matter where you are.
From the conception of ideas to the detailed realization, our professionalism and passion are poured into every aspect. We listen to your voice, understand your vision, and use our superb skills and rich experience to transform your ideas into amazing reality.
Choosing our customized services means choosing to go hand in hand with professionalism, quality and excellence. Let's join hands and start your unique journey together.

The ideal choice for automotive parts
We offer a wide variety and quantity of auto parts. Everything.
Quality is the core, and every part is rigorously tested, using high-quality materials and advanced technology, resulting in outstanding performance and durability.
Choose from our range of auto parts, providing a wide range of options and reliable quality to keep your car in top condition.